Professional Awareness

美 [prəˈfeʃənl əˈwernəs]英 [prəˈfeʃənl əˈweənəs]
  • 网络专业意识;职业意识
Professional AwarenessProfessional Awareness
  1. However , as intricate it is , professional awareness only can not provide sufficient game rules .


  2. While professional awareness for free normal college students refers to the attitude towards the profession of teachers which is formed in the process of learning , and it also refers to the degree of efforts which is made to make themselves be qualified for the job .


  3. Teacher Education : The Cultivation of the Quality of Teacher Professional Awareness & The Theoretical Construction of Teacher Development School


  4. To improve secretaries ' professional awareness


  5. Professional awareness is the guidance . professional knowledge is the foundation . Professional skills is the support . Professional ethics set a bottom line .


  6. Journal editors made in the era of the knowledge economy should be strengthened several professional awareness , and awareness of several editorial discussions made suggestions for improvements .


  7. By making a questionnaire among the sophomores in Hubei Vocational - Technical College in November , 2003 , this paper , in view of the actual professional awareness of higher vocational students , concludes some common characteristics , analyzes the causes , and raises some corresponding countermeasures .


  8. Compared to the operative teaching , reflective teaching can make teachers more active in teaching and motivate their professional development awareness .


  9. We should approach the construction of developmental teacher evaluating system from such four aspects as the professional attitude , awareness , knowledge and ability , thus providing reference for the school to conduct the research .


  10. In this article , the requirements on teachers ' qualities for the new period in terms of professional features , innovation awareness and ability , and healthy characters are put forward .


  11. The author discusses the strengthening of the patriotism education by Chinese history , interest cultivation , consciousness of environment protection , professional ethics and law awareness in Traditional Chinese Medicine teaching .


  12. The basic qualities of the teachers of politics theory contain good politics training , a solid theory foundation , extensive knowledge , higher professional ability , innovation awareness , noble-minded professional moral as a teacher .


  13. The results also suggest that our CPAs lack of professional prudent and risk awareness , audit effectiveness may depend on the correctness of their initial hypothesis and excessive sensitivity to late evidences may lead to excessive audit or audit deficiency .
